Thursday 18 June 2015

The Perfect Game

It's been a long damn time since I wrote here.

Whilst it wasn't for lack of trying; I find that I've struggled somewhat to retain the level of interest I once possessed in the consideration of my surroundings. I'll put that down to the complacency that follows a long recovery.

Today was different though; I experienced that wonder which so many of us seek - the "perfect game".

The "perfect game" is the type of day that you experience so infrequently that it becomes something near mythological. More than this; it's the type of day that provides a beautiful opportunity for retrospect. Those of you who have been gracious enough to read my musings and ruminations thus far will know that "change" is a force I have a great deal of reverence for. It is quite literally the embodiment of progress.

I suffered a brief relapse recently; old demons re-emerged and I found myself needing a few weeks out to work up the strength to hit back. I think I got so used to the idea that I was done with all the old issues that I fooled myself into believing I couldn't regress into old states of mind. I was wrong; we're all capable of it. More and more, I'm struck by how common this issue is; it wasn't until I looked around and really tried to see it that it made itself so apparent.

We're all so busy battling through the everyday that we don't take the time to appreciate how much shittier things could be, or have been. This time last year there wasn't a thing I was truly happy with. 12 months later I'm happy, I'm in love, and I'm the manager of a fantastic team of people I consider friends. It feels good.

To most, this might not seem like progress in the grandest of senses, but consider the things you live for. Consider your waking thoughts and the feelings that dance around your head when you crawl out of bed in the morning. Are you heading toward a day that's going to stand out? Chances are, the answer is "no". But that needn't mean the day is lost, or a waste of time. Happiness can be found everywhere if you take the time to look for it.

Today I found it in a group of friends, a beautiful woman and a pineapple. I'm looking forward to seeing where I find it next.