Friday 29 April 2016

New Oceans

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide


What strikes me most about the past four months is how exceptionally different they were to the four years that preceded them. What then was a life of routine, stress and discontentment is now one of hope, uncertainty and unemployment.

With that said, I couldn't be happier with how life has been this year.

Last Saturday I walked on British soil for the first time in six weeks and I did so more than ready to be back. I had finally taken the steps to begin fulfilling a lifelong dream and the idea of that initial journey coming to an end wasn't the worst thing in the world for me. By no means should this statement be interpreted as disappointment; for all I had to give up to travel I regret nothing. I truly feel as if I learned more about myself, the world, Hannah and home in that time than I could ever have done otherwise.

Split, Croatia - One of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.
All I mean to say is that six weeks was enough time for a collection of "first steps" and I'm at peace with the idea that this is a journey I will continue for the rest of my life.

What I find myself faced with now is a purgatory of sorts; a "nowhere" place between where I've been and where I'm going. I'm sure there's a metaphor about "train station changeovers" buried in there somewhere that fits nicely with my travelling motif, but I digress. I've not yet adjusted to being back, and so the last six days have been filled with nothing more grandiose than loved ones and bad food. The focus now is on moving forward and finding the next means of adventure.

Travelling is without a doubt the most important thing I've ever done, and the temporary cessation of that experience can be likened to crawling after a rapid sprint; once you're done being on your hands and knees, there is only one course of action.

Catch your breath, get back on your feet, and run like the devil himself is chasing you.