Wednesday 4 October 2017


Imagine all the people in the world that have ever existed. The dreams they had. The lives they lived. The lives they changed or saved.

Who springs to mind? When does the word "hero" become the absolute definition of who that person was?

I have only one answer. I always will.

Mandy Bennett.

My best friend. My hero. A Mum and Dad to three troubled children who grew up knowing they were safe and loved immensely, despite all the turbulence and conflict surrounding them.

You are the woman I celebrate today, on your birthday, but also the woman I celebrate everyday. You are without question the most profoundly important and influential person in my life. You are my confidant. You are my home. You are the person I admire most in the entire world.

You have never invented anything. You've never cured a disease. But you have in every conceivable way, changed the world. My world.

So today, as I celebrate the birth of my kind-hearted, sweet, funny and beautiful best friend, I want to take some time to remember my favourite memories of our time together so far.

Treasure hunting for the man in red all night on a cold Christmas night.

Picking me up into your arms as I was 4 years old to dance around the living room to Jagged Little Pill.

Putting a candle in a chip for my birthday.

Welcoming me home from Uni with balloons and banners.

Never failing to tell me how proud you are of me.

Raising two brothers that I love and respect dearly.

Crying with me when I need you.

Laughing with me when I need you.

Shopping trips around Tesco where I wind you up about buying condoms and lube. (To clarify, she wasn't; I just wanted to embarrass her in front of the shop assistant.)

Driving around singing "Impossible" with my head swinging out of the car on Christmas eve.

Every birthday and Christmas we have ever had.

The trips to the zoo to see my real mum in the monkey cages.

Saving three children from a life of violence with no thought to what you were potentially giving up.

Being somebody I trust with anything.

Buying me 32 mini wrestler figures one Christmas and not shouting when I peeked under the wrapping.

Buying me a Gameboy Color for Christmas and not shouting when I peeked under the wrapping.

Every single minute I've ever spent with you.

Never allowing me to doubt myself.

Buying me a stone that gets rid of anxiety through positive energy even though you know I don't believe in that stuff. That matters because it's from you, and you get rid of my anxiety.

Our trip to a bike rally where I tried to convince you I was gay and you cared so little I was genuinely gutted at the lack of response.

You doing flying kicks outside of Sainsbury's, despite pretending your legs hurt.

Your love for animals and children.

Getting me into Dylan and Aerosmith, Eagles and Elton John.

Not killing me when I told you I went to an Eagles concert without you.

Not killing me when I admitted the mistakes I had made at my lowest.

Buying me a superhero dressing gown.

Buying me monster slippers.

Never letting me go hungry.

I could literally sit for hours and list everything I remember about our lives together in the hope that you'd realise what an incredible mum you are, but you're too humble to believe it anyway.

You have saved my life countless times. You have lifted me up, held me, loved me and raised me. For all these things and an infinite amount more, I thank you from the deepest recesses of my being.

You are amazing. It doesn't matter what I do with my life going forward; being your son will always be my proudest achievement.

I love you more than you will ever understand, and I can only hope that one day you see why.

You're my Mum. You're my Dad. You're a million things that amount to who I am today, and I could never repay the debt of gratitude for everything you've done.

Happy Birthday Mum. I love you so, so much. Be proud today. See yourself as I do for just one day and remember how indescribably incredible you truly are.

Also, bear in mind your birthday card will be a lot shorter than this.

I love you, Ma.

From Ethan/Tyson/Ethel.

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